The Mariah Carey Dreamsite
News and Gossip
How I Became A Fan
My Collection
Contact Me

This site is totally devoted to the best singer all time, Mariah Carey! On this site you'll find everything you want to know about Mariah.
The site has a special News and Gossip section, where you can find all the latest news about Mariah. I'm updating frequently, so check back often. Don't miss any important news. You can also read the news and gossip archives. These archives containes news from the past.
This site has a special Biography section, where you can read everything about Mariah's history. In the Discography section you can find everything Mariah has made so far. This section is not yet complete, but I'm working hard on it.
Looking for lyrics? Try the Lyrics section. It contains almost all lyrics of Mariahs songs. To make the search easier, the songs are divided in different categories and in alphabetic order. Check it out yourself!
This site also containes a special pictures section. On this page I've placed my own favorite pictures. Also I made a multimedia section. In here you can download many different things, like Mariah's voicemessages and MP3's.
At last I will tell something about myself. How I Became A Fan and about My Collection. I've made a special page about the DMCA. The Dutch Mariah Carey Association. It's a Dutch fanclub which I'm a member of. And guess what? Mariah too!! Look at the Links page to see my favorite links to other Mariah and non-Mariah websites.
If you have any suggestions or you just want to say something to me, go to the Contact Me page. There you'll find my email adress. I also like it very much if you write in my guestbook. It's a little bit empty right now :-((
Much love,


Updates July 20, 2002
It's been 15 days since I've updated my site and I've done quite some things during that time. As you can see I've changed the welcome text. I think this one is more suitable to the rest of the site. I only need to place more pictures at the homepage.
I've updated the news section until today and the discography section has a new chapter: Can't Let Go.
Most of my time I spent at the Lyrics section. Now you can read all the lyrics from the Album Releases.
The multimedia section is empty, that's because I want to change that part of my site (I didn't like it the way it was) but I still have to change it. My plan is to place not only voice messages, but also MP3's, Mpegs (video's) and things like Fonts and Winamp skins. But that are just plans and I haven't made any decisions yet. If you've got any suggestions, please contact me:

Please sign my guestbook:

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